SAINT CYRIL OF ALEXANDRIA Bishop and Doctor of the Church (+444)
Cyril of Alexandria, nephew of Theophilus, Bishop of Alexandria, gave evidences even as a youth of outstanding intelligence. After Theophilus' death he was called to that very See, became a sincere example to his flock, and grew famous as a most excellent pastor.
He showed marked assiduousness in the preservation of the Catholic faith against Nestorius, who asserted that Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary only as a man and not as God, and tha divinity was conferred on him for his merits.
After Cyril tried in vain to correct Nestorius, he denounced him to Pope St. Celestine. With this Pontiff's delegated authority, Cyril attended some sessions of the Council of Ephesus at which the Nestorian heresy was absolutely condemned, Nestorius excommunicated, and removed from his See, and the Catholic dogma of one divine person in Christ and the divine maternity of the glorious Virgin Mary asserted.
Solicitous for the faith alone, he suffered a great deal on account of it, carried out the greatest labors for God's Church, produced a great many writings, and died a holy death in the year 444, in the thirty-second year of his episcopacy.
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